Silverlight unit testing templates updated
October 24, 2008
Getting into the habit of unit testing your Silverlight applications is a little easier now. I posted updated templates for the Silverlight Unit Test Framework on the MSDN Code Gallery site. There are project and item templates for Visual C# as well as Visual Basic.
Download the templates
Direct download link to the templates (Zip, 46K)
Direct download link to the Silverlight Unit Test Framework binaries (Zip, 284k)
To install, just drop the templates and binaries in the right directories.
Project templates go here: %userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ProjectTemplates
Item templates: %userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Templates\ItemTemplates
And the unit test framework binaries: %programfiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v2.0\Libraries\Client
New to Silverlight unit testing?
- What's new in the RTW release of the Silverlight Unit Test Framework (9/30/08)
- Visual Studio unit testing introduction (8/16/08)
- Unit Testing with Silverlight, Scott Guthrie (4/2/08)
- Unit Testing with Silverlight 2 (3/31/08)
- Original introduction post (3/7/08)
WrapPanel tests running in the Silverlight Unit Test Framework
Upgrade your Beta 2 test projects
There's a breaking changes guide for the test framework, for anyone who was using the last version for Beta 1 and/or Beta 2 development.
Thanks to Marius Rochon for sending me one of these and challenging me to get them all updated for the final release of Silverlight 2. Hope this helps!